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Tag: people

Articles tagged as People

Do You Have Buyer's Block?

Posted on September 5, 2023 by James Whitten
Sometimes there are several options and choices to make that individuals cannot make a choice whatsoever.You've been on the lookout for a house for months.Your Realtor is beginning to think you're only a looker, and not actually a purchaser.You just can not seem to make a determination.And just when you think you will, the home stands out from under you.Buying a house is overwhelming.It's a large purchase -- probably the biggest you will ever make...

Sticking With Some Home-Buying Rules Makes Sense

Posted on December 15, 2022 by James Whitten
Purchasing a home is a component of most people's lives.It fits right into our financing with saving for retirement and health insurance.It's simply part of our finances.You'll be able to turn to lots of places for information when purchasing a house.You can speak with a realtor, a mortgage lender or even your loved ones.But there are several tried and true personal finance laws that match the home-buying scenario perfectly...